The News for November

Remember, remember! In the month of November, we have…


NOVEMBER MEETING: Wednesday, November 3rd
7 PM at George and Dragon

This month, things are going to be a little different! Ever wanted your own voice to be heard at the meetings? Well, you’re in luck. Instead of one main talk, we’ll be setting up a series of roundtable discussions on a few different subjects. There will be something for everyone: artists, programmers, managers, students, you name it! It’s a great opportunity for some meaningful group discussion in your field (or in other fields!)


Now, have these past couple months felt a little bit… strange to you? Like maybe you’ve been getting regular amounts of sleep, and not chugging enough energy drinks? Never fear, because it’s time for another:


NOT ANOTHER GAME JAM (49-Hour Game Jam): Friday, November 19th – Sunday, November 21st
Starts Friday 11/19 at 7 PM at University of Advancing Technology (UAT)

Yes, that’s right! Tyler Coleman is organizing another awesome jam this month and we’re excited to see some participation! “So why 49 hours you ask? We are cranking this jam to eleven and giving everyone a whole extra hour!”

Quick overview, for those of you new to game jams:

  • Starting Friday at 7, you have 49 hours to make a game.
  • There will be a secret theme you must incorporate into your game. The theme will be announced on Friday!
  • There are no system requirements, you can work on whatever platform you like.
  • Team sizes up to and including 5 are fine.

For more details and updates, check out the Facebook Event!


Have a happy and safe Halloween, Phoenix devs! We’ll see you in a week!

Corey Nolan
IGDA PHX Vice Chair

P.S. Reminding you guys again about our awesome Facebook and Twitter pages!

New Day, New Location, Same Awesome Meetings!

Oh man, October has crept up on me! Check it, game devs, we’ve got some BRAND NEW awesomeness going on for this month!


OCTOBER MEETING: This coming WEDNESDAY, October 6th
7 PM at our NEW LOCATION: George & Dragon Restaurant


Hope you’re all as excited about Wednesday night as I am! We’ll be having the fantastic Kyle Pulver shelling out all the secrets to making money with flash games! That’s right devs, you heard it here: making your own games doesn’t have to condemn you to ramen every night for the rest of your life! (Alternatively, you can consider it enough money for a lifetime’s supply of ramen!)


Known for making games and cool reflections off his glasses

This is right before he brought stone tablets down from the mountain. ~dannybstyle

This month’s speaker, Kyle Pulver is an indie game dev extraordinaire. His first major release, Bonesaw, popped up in a whole bunch of “Best Platformers of 2008” lists. In 2009, his prototype game Snapshot was nominated for Excellence in Design at GDC’s Independent Games Festival. He and Pete Jones then co-founded Retro Affect, and began the long journey of making Snapshot into a fully-featured game- a highly anticipated work-in-progress. Lately, he’s perhaps best known for burrowing away with his computer and emerging 48 hours later with games that win prizes and make lots of money. One game jam game, Gaiadi, won first place in Ludum Dare 17. His global game jam game, depict1, has made waves of headlines with its recent flash release, sponsored by


You’re all in for a big treat with this talk. Can’t wait to see you at George and Dragon this Wednesday!



P.S. In honor of Halloween coming up this month, I’m pleased to let you all know that our new location is known for being slightly haunted. No, really!