July 2015 Meeting & Announcements

It’s too hot outside, so why dont you join us inside ASU on July 29th, 2015 at Brickyard Artisan Court in Tempe! Note that this month the meeting is being held in room BYAC 150.


Progression Systems, RPG Elements, and You

Keeping players engaged with our games is one of the big challenges that game designers face. Games employ a wide range of techniques in order to hook players such as progression systems, leveling up, experience points, unlockable content, and more, but what are the implications of using these types of systems? Are we just creating slot machines and treadmills behind the facade of “RPG elements” and “epic” loot? Are we creating inherently unfair experiences for players that haven’t played the same number of hours as their peers? Are we respecting our audience by designing our games with these types of systems?

Join us for an open discussion on these questions and more! The format will be a select panel of local game developers with their opinions, along with participation from the audience.

Presented by IGDA Phoenix & Friends



Game CoLab Incubator Program
If you’re ready to to turn that game idea into a sustainable business, the Game CoLab Incubator Program wants you! Apply now through September 4th.

Arizona Women in Games International
Women in Games International now has an Arizona chapter. Check out their official Facebook page for information on their upcoming events and meet ups.

Summer Game Jam
The summer game jam at UAT is coming up on July 17th! Make a game in a weekend! Check out all the details on their facebook event.

Warp Playtest
Noah Dyer is working on a small project that will be ready for playtesting immediately following the IGDA meeting on July 29th. Just stick around after the meeting and give it a shot!

Wiblits iPhone App
The folks behind Wiblits are now ready for a beta release of their iPhone app. Join us at the meeting for a live demo!

Sensatix Positions Available
Sensatix (http://www.sensatix.com) is seeking highly motivated and talented individuals to join their team to create breakthrough serious games. They are currently seeking Unity programmers that have experience with C#, Javascript, Android and iOS, and GIT version control. They are currently looking for contract positions but opportunities for full time work will be available in the future when their Scottsdale office opens later this year. Contact Pierre Bonnat (pierre.bonnat@sensatix.com) for more details.

Want to make an announcement?
Email the details to chair@igdaphx.org.  Please keep announcements related to the local game development community.  If you’d like to give your announcement at the meeting, please include a picture and a small amount of text for a powerpoint slide.  You’re welcome to give your announcement at the meeting yourself as long as it takes less than 3 minutes.

Location and Parking

Brickyard Artisan Court 150

The presentation will be located in classroom 150 in the Brickyard Artisan Court building at ASU. The entrance is located at the fountains right next to Ike’s Place on Mill. After the presentation we’ll be heading upstairs to Endgame for food, drinks, and hanging out!


There are several parking lots near the Brickyard at ASU that cost $2.00 an hour. There are also some ASU lots that no longer require permits starting at 7:00pm. Here is a map of the ASU lots. According to their website, Lot 3, 55, 58, 59, and 59E don’t require a permit after 7:00pm.

Most of the metered parking spots not directly on Mill Avenue are free after 6:00pm. Be sure to double check! Here is a map of Mill Avenue parking with highlighted sections of free parking after 6:00pm.

The 5th and Farmer lot does not require a parking permit after 6:00pm. Also The City Hall Garage is free when entering after 6:00pm. Yes, the City Hall Garage is FREE if you enter after 6:00pm and there’s no special event happening.

Please double check when parking anywhere to confirm that these details are correct. Also be aware if there happens to be a special event taking place during the night of our meeting some of these free parking spots may actually be charging event fees.